Testing & Protection Resources
Places near SCU to get protection, tested, and support.

Getting Tested On Campus
On Campus: Cowell Center
For those with the vaginas and cervices:
At Cowell, you can schedule an Annual Women’s Health Exam, which will include a Pap Smear, STI exams, HIV testing, and breast exams or just book a primary care appointment about Sexually Transmitted Infections
For those with the penises and testicles:
At Cowell, if you click on Primary Care, and then click on Medical Non-Urgent, you can put the reasoning for your visit as “Sexually Transmitted Infections” to get tested.

Uncomfortable Testing on Campus?
What if I don’t want my parents to know I’m getting tested?
Any STI testing that you receive at Cowell will just show up form the Bursar’s Office as a nondescript charge from Cowell, not that you got STI testing! This is huge. Always double check with your doctor or the front desk that this will be the case.
Off Campus, but very close (15-20 minute walk):
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte 1691 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:30 am- 5:00pm

How To Pay for Testing
In California, most reproductive health services are covered by Medi-Cal or Family PACT, so there would be no cost to you. They can sign you up for a personal Family PACT when you come in for your visit, if needed (so you are the only one seeing what services you received). However, there may be some tests, medications or other services that are not covered by Family PACT or Medi-Cal, in which case there would be a charge to you.
If you're covered by private insurance, you may use your insurance to help pay for the visit, but if provided by your parents, it will be seen. In California, if you are covered under another person's health plan—like your parent's or spouse's—you have the right to keep your insurance claim confidential by submitting a Confidential Communication Request form. IF YOU ARE NOT FROM CALIFORNIA, YOU MUST CHECK WITH YOUR STATE’S REGULATIONS.
Find Free Protection
Here is a compiled list of websites where you can get free condoms delivered to you
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