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We believe that education is the key to prevention against contracting STIs and having safe sex

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Education: About

Fast Facts

  1. One in two sexually active persons will contract an STI by age 25. 

  2. Americans aged 15-24 make up 50% of the 20M new STIs diagnosed/year in the USA

  3. Undiagnosed STIs cause 24,000 women to become infertile each year 

  4. 370,000 cases of Gonorrhea are suspected to go unreported and 800,000 cases of Chlamydia, which can lead to PID in both men and women

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Impact of education

     Researchers studied the National Survey of Family Growth to determine the impact of sexuality education on youth sexual risk-taking for young people ages 15-19, and found that teens who received comprehensive sex education were 50 percent less likely to experi- ence pregnancy than those who received abstinence-only education.

The Catholic Church

Which directly shapes SCU's stance on sexuality and sexual health

Stance on Sexuality

According to the Catholic Education Resource Center, "The Catholic tradition in this matter is: sexuality has been part of God's plan from the beginning and thus it is very good; sexuality is inextricably related to love and life and to lifelong self-giving, whether in marriage or in celibate chastity; but owing to sin, sexuality can be willfully and grossly misused, and for this reason every human person is called to purity and chastity no matter what his state of life. Every person knows by experience, TMHS confidently declares, that chastity requires rejecting certain thoughts, words, and sinful actions; one cannot always just be positive where this topic is concerned; temptation is a reality."


The Catholic Church states that it is "wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence."


Former Co-President Brigitte Mepham remembers learning something similar in a Catholic confirmation class. She states: "With this teaching comes the idea that sex must be for the purpose of reproduction, and specifically producing more Catholics. It is an unrealistic and unhealthy relationship to sex that the Church instills at a young age."



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