Meet the 2021-2022 Team
Brigitte Mepham
Brigitte is a Sophomore Biology major on the pre-med track, hoping to become a Pediatrician. Growing up in Portland, OR spurred her love for the outdoors. She grew up Catholic and feels passionate about changing the way Catholic institutions approach sexuality.
Sydell Bonin
Sydell is a Sophomore Public Health major and Biology minor from Rhode Island. She is the Co-President alongside Brigitte, and together they are responsible for oversight of all programs, outreach, media, and more. Her vision is to make Santa Clara University a place where contraception and sexual education are valued and provided.
Karen Kikuta
Director of Programming
Karen is a Senior Neuroscience major and a Public Health and Biology double minor. Originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil, she moved to the US on her own 5 years ago. At Safe Sex SCU, she is responsible for all programming which includes our educational panels as well as our contraceptive hand outs.
Katie Becknell
Director of Communication
Katie is a Junior, and a Computer Engineering Major from San Diego. As the Director of Communication, she is responsible for communication both within our group as well as for the community around us. This includes all communication via email, social media, and more.
Eva Borden
Director of Alumni Relations and Fundraising
Eva is a Junior Children's Studies major with Sociology and Urban Education minors, originally from the Central Valley, CA. As the Director of Alumni Relations and Fundraising, Eva is responsible for keeping in touch with a wide range of alums and reaching out to people both on and off campus for important requests for funding our programs.